Cargo Express Delivery

Virtual Trucking Company – VTC


Welcome to the official homepage of C.E.D (Cargo Express Delivery)
C.E.D is a Virtual Trucking Company (VTC)
All drivers join and log using VTLOG, maintain a positive, respectful, and friendly approach to other drivers, and are expected to submit at least 500 miles per month.
If YOU want to be a part of the journey, you can apply right here and gain access to the download client for VTLOG
The criteria expected by anyone applying are detailed below, but if you are ever concerned you may not be able to meet the criteria, just contact one of our admins who is willing to provide support at all times.


  1. Must be at least 16+ to join the VTC
  2.  All drivers in the VTC must join vtlog
  3. All members are expected to follow the rules set out by TruckersMP while driving in multiplayer, they can be found here:
  4. When traveling on TruckersMP, it is expected for drivers to display C.E.D in the player tag to maintain a positive reputation and advertisement.
  5. Drivers must not drive above the speed of 62 MPh when delivering on ETS2
  6. Drivers MUST submit at least 500 miles per month, not in the race category. Failure to do so will result in 1 strike against your name. Another strike for mileage and you’ll be removed from the company

Massey Lee

Massey Lee


